Call for Action! Accessible Emergency Services in the Accessibility Act

Call for Action!  Accessible Emergency Services in the Accessibility Act

We need your help…

Joint statement European Disability Forum, European Union of the Deaf, European Emergency Number Association, European Deafblind Union, European Federation of Hard of Hearing People, European Association of Cochlear Implant users, European Federation of Parents of Hearing Impaired Children, European Deafblind Network.

EMERGENCY CALL TO THE COUNCIL Accessible emergency communication for persons with disabilities: a requirement to save lives The Council’s proposal to exclude Public Safety Answering Points (centres answering emergency calls) from the upcoming European Accessibility Act will keep millions of persons with disabilities at risk. The above organisations call on the Council of the EU to accept mandatory and common accessibility requirements for services handling emergency calls. We have the right to call for help!

Read the full statement here.

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Please contact your national ministries and advocate for our message.