Getting the numbers right on Hearing Loss, Hearing Care and Hearing Aid Use in Europe – Report 2024

As the European population gets older and hearing loss becomes a more prevalent health condition. We look at the figures around hearing loss, hearing care and hearing aid use in Europe.

The 3rd edition of the report provides current data on hearing care provision in Europe, answering questions such as how many Europeans are hard of hearing? How many use hearing aids? What is the impact of reimbursement for hearing care?

The highlights:

  • About 59 million Europeans have a hearing loss that affects their daily communication.
  • Only 22% of them use hearing aids, which means that there is a large unmet need for hearing care in Europe.
  • Hearing aid users report higher levels of satisfaction, well-being, social participation and income than non-users with hearing loss.
  • Reimbursement policies vary widely across Europe, ranging from full coverage to no coverage at all for hearing aids and related services.
  • There is a positive correlation between reimbursement level and hearing aid adoption rate, indicating that financial barriers prevent many people from accessing hearing care.

The report aims to raise awareness of the prevalence and impact of hearing loss in Europe and to advocate for better access to hearing care for all. It also provides a valuable source of information for policy makers, health professionals, researchers and the general public.

Read the full 2024 Report – Getting the numbers right on Hearing Loss, Hearing Care and Hearing Aid Use in Europe.

The report is a joint publication from the AEA (European Association of Hearing Aid Professionals), EFHOH (European Federation of Hard of Hearing People) and EHIMA (European Hearing Instrument Manufacturers Association).